
Bro. Michael Andrejko,'86

Director of Lasallian Charism
Lasallian Mission and Ministry

Year Hired: 2007-2010, 2022 and 2024

Universities attended, degrees obtained:
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – La Salle University
Master of Arts in Religious Studies – Villanova University

About Bro. Mike:
“ It is great to be back at our alma mater, Central Catholic High School. Aside from three years as the Campus Minister here at Central from 2007-2010, the majority of my life has been spent between Philadelphia (16 years) and Washington, DC (10 years).

Over the last 34 years of religious life, I have taught business, and religion, and been an administrator in two other high schools. My last 5 years have been spent as the Vocation Director for the District of Eastern North America encouraging young men to consider the life of a Christian Brother. I was even lucky enough to spend some time working at Bethlehem University in the Holy Land. I have enjoyed all my assignments for different reasons. Most importantly, the young people, faculty, and the Brothers, with whom I have lived and worked over the years, have made me into the man I am today. 

My most treasured pastimes are traveling, walking, bike riding, and reading.”

Words to live by:
He has told you, O mortal, what is good,
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice and to love kindness
and to walk humbly with your God?
                                    —Micah 6:8