Clubs, Activities, and Electives
When you step onto Central Catholic's campus, you are greeted with a vibrant community of students who are working together as a community to achieve their goals. At Central Catholic, students with diverse backgrounds and experience come together to pursue their passions.

Students come to Central Catholic to explore their interests and discover new ones. Connections and friendships are made outside of the classroom, and we encourage our students to join extra-curricular activities to enhance their Central Catholic experience.
Moderator Clearances:
The following are links to websites for clearances that are mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for all paid and/or volunteer employees working with minors. Additional information can be obtained through Office A.

Black Student Union
Blue Knights Jazz Band
Chamber Singers

Concert Choir

Culture Club

Environmental Club

Fishing Club

Forensics Society

Free Verse (A Cappella)

Freshman Choir

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

E-Sports Club

Harlequin Literary Magazine

Lasallian Ministry

Marching Band

The Masque

My Brother's Keeper

PA Junior Academy of Science

Ping Pong Club

Quiz Bowl

Ski Club

String Ensemble

Student Council

Science Bowl


Viking Ambassadors

Viking News Network (VNN)

The Viking Newspaper