Technology is an integral part of our curriculum. Each student is equipped with an iPad, and students have the opportunity to interact with technology through a wide range of course work and extra-curricular activities.
iPad Program
The focus of the Central Catholic iPad Program is to provide tools and resources to the twenty-first century learner. Excellence in education requires that technology be appropriately and seamlessly integrated into the educational program, and the iPad is a device that makes learning more engaging and accessible. Technology immersion does not diminish the vital role of the teacher; however, teaching and learning using iPads fosters the integration of technology into a rigorous curriculum that will better prepare your son for college and his future.
All incoming freshmen and transfer students receive an iPad to use while enrolled at Central Catholic High School. Students download a variety of academic apps to assist with organizing, studying, and learning.
If you have any questions about the iPad program, email Stephanie Shanahan, Director of Academic Technology, at
iPad Orientation Checklist:
- Read the Central Catholic iPad Program 2024-25 Policy, Procedures, and Information Guide
- Read and sign (online signature) the Central Catholic Parent and Student Agreement for iPad Use
Overview of Microsoft Apps
Watch the video below to learn about Microsoft apps.
Microsoft Apps: Saving and Accessing Documents
Watch the video below to learn about saving and accessing Microsoft documents on your iPad.
Using Microsoft 365 from Another Device
Watch the video below to learn how to access Microsoft 365 from another device.
Overview of Moodle
Watch the video below to learn more about Moodle.
Submitting an assignment on Moodle
Watch the video below to learn how to submit an assignment on Moodle.
Have Questions? Contact:
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Curriculum and Facilities
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) initiatives are an integral part of Central Catholic’s curriculum. The goal of STEM education at Central is to provide an integrated curriculum where students of all academic levels will be exposed to STEM concepts and gain an understanding of careers in these fields.
Central Catholic currently offers 25 different STEM courses in its curriculum. Electives and extra-curricular activities expose students to possible career paths, provide opportunities for them to interact with industry professionals, and apply what they are learning to solve real world problems.
Learning on Industry Standard Equipment
In all computer science and engineering courses, students are using industry-standard software and hardware to build their projects, including:
- Autodesk Inventor (CAD and 3D Modeling)
- CISCO routers and switches (Computer Networking)
- Vectric V-Carve software and a CNC Milling machine (CNC Programming)
- Python programming language (Algorithmic thinking & Computer Programming Fundamentals)
- Java programming language (Computer Science)
- Lego EV3, VEX and FIRST Robotics
- Four 3-D Printers (Makerbot 2x)
- Epilog Laser Engraver
- Cisco Switches, Routers, WAPs
- Science Labs outfitted with Vernier and Pasco equipment.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Students have plenty of opportunities to hone their interests in technology outside of the classroom. Dedicated clubs and activities allow students to explore a variety of STEM topics.
- Robotics
- PJAS (PA Junior Academy of Science)
- Science Olympiad
- Science Bowl
- STEM Outreach Program