
Summer 2025 Youth Sports Camps

Compete like a Viking! Central Catholic is excited to offer a variety of summer sports camps.

Join us for STEM Camp!

If you are looking for an academic summer camp this year, we are also offering a STEM camp at Central Catholic's state-of-the-art facilities.

Baseball Spring Youth Camp

April 26

Open to 4th - 8th grade boys

Where: Central Catholic High School Practice Field
4720 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Check-In: 10- 10:45 a.m.

Camp: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Cost: $55

Prepare for an exciting season of baseball with our Youth Baseball Camp! This camp is designed for players of all skill levels and provides a fun and engaging environment to enhance baseball fundamentals, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Our experienced coaches and current players will guide each participant through essential skills. Catch the last 30 minutes of the Central Catholic varsity practice by arriving at 10 a.m. when check-in opens!

Register Here

Lacrosse Camp

June 2-4

6-8 p.m.

Cost: $50

Participants: Boys entering grades 3-9 in the 2025-26 school year.

Location: Central Catholic High School Practice Field
4720 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213

What to bring:  Campers should bring their own equipment, but all equipment (including a stick) will be provided for any camper who wants to learn the game.

About: The Central Catholic Lacrosse Camp is designed for players of all skill levels (even those who have never played before). At this camp, players will receive special instruction from Central coaches and players that will improve their overall skill level as well as revisit the basics of the game. Most importantly, players will have a blast playing lacrosse in the heart of the city!

Register Here

Soccer Goalie Clinic

June 7

9 a.m. - Noon

Our annual shooting/goalie clinic will give players the chance to work closely with the coaching staff to develop their skills. Shooting will focus on striking the ball, placement on the ball, power on the ball, movement of the ball, free kick/plenty kicks, and situational scoring. Goalkeepers will work on reaction saving, positioning, ball distribution, penalty kick saving, and in game-like scenarios. We look forward to working with you!

Cost: $80

Location: Central Catholic High School Practice Field
4720 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213

Participants: Boys entering grades 3-8 in the fall of 2025

Register Here

Soccer Camp

June 9-12

6-9 p.m.

About: The Central Catholic Youth Soccer Camp will provide you with exposure to the full Central Catholic coaching staff and the techniques that are used to play the Viking way. This is a great opportunity to prepare for your upcoming fall season.

Cost: $160

Location: Central Catholic High School Practice Field
4720 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213

Participants: Boys entering grades 3-8 in the fall of 2025

Register Here

Rowing Camp

June 16-20

Cost: $105

Central Diesel Power Company Boathouse
4220 Blair Street
Hazelwood, PA 15207

Campers can either jog from Central Catholic to the boathouse or be dropped off at the boathouse. Campers can either be picked up on Blair St. or jog back to Central Catholic HS and be picked up in the school parking lot.

Participants: Boys entering 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades in the fall of 2025

Learn the basics of rowing and compete in an intra-squad race at the end of the week. Successful rowers are tall (6’0” or taller when fully grown) with big aerobic capacity (VO2 Max), or tough enough to make up the difference; coxswains should be small (120lbs or less) and assertive. No experience necessary.

Register Here

Basketball Camp

June 23-26 and June 30-July 3

1st Grade - 5th grade: 9 a.m. - noon
6th grade - 9th grade: 1 - 4 p.m.

Cost: $150 per session

Participants: Boys entering 1st through 9th grade

Location: Central Catholic High School Alumni Hall (Gymnasium)
4720 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213

About: All registered campers will receive a Central Catholic Basketball T-Shirt. Each camper's day consists of:

  • Individual and group instruction from Central Catholic coaching staff and players
  • Camp speakers
  • Daily contests
  • Competition
  • Awards 

Register Here

Football Camp

June 23-25

4:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Cost: $120

Participants: Boys entering grades 4 through 8 in the fall of 2025

What to bring: T-shirt, gym shorts or sweats, turf shoes, and sneakers in case of thunderstorms. Camp will be held rain or shine. We will move indoors if needed based on the weather.

Register Here

Questions about our Summer Youth Sports Camps? Contact:

Mr. Kyle Goldcamp, '04
Director of Athletics-External Operations