2019 Junior/Senior Homecoming Dance
This year’s Homecoming will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 7:30 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.
2019 Junior/Senior Homecoming Dance
The school year is under way, and that means it’s time to start planning for our annual Homecoming dance!
This year’s Homecoming will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 7:30 p.m. until 11:00 p.m Homecoming is ONLY for juniors and seniors and dates must be at least a sophomore in high school. Homecoming will take place at Duquesne University in the Union Ballroom.
Doors will open at 7:00 pm, and the event will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m.
The Duquesne Union building is located in the heart of Duquesne’s campus on Locust Street. On-campus parking is available in the Forbes Avenue Parking garage for all guests. It is a fully automated, covered garage centrally located on campus. Pay stations are located on levels 1 & 8, and event guests pay the affiliated parking rate. The parking rate is $6 after 5 pm.
The cost per couple is $125. Single tickets may be purchased for $80.
The ticket cost includes a buffet dinner, dessert, dancing, and all-night beverage bars. Homecoming is a formal event. Gentlemen should wear a suit or sport coat, and young ladies should wear a formal dress. Please be aware that your dates will be held accountable to the dress requirements set forth in the contract from Office C. If your date does not comply with these dress requirements, then she will not be able to attend Homecoming.
Homecoming tickets will go on sale via Ms. Sirockman out of Office A. Ticket sales open on MONDAY, September 16, 2019.
Tickets will be sold from 7:30P7:56 a.m.(Activity Block 2 on Wednesdays in various study halls) and from 2:40P3 p.m. only. Tickets will NOT be on sale during the school day. Please note that tickets will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. There will be a total of 225 tickets available for this year’s Homecoming Dance. Please plan on buying your tickets early. In the event that tickets sell out, students will be placed on a waiting list, and will be granted tickets according to their number on the waiting list should tickets become available. Because we must pay for a large portion of the event in advance, no ticket refunds (for ANY reason) will be issued after Wednesday, October 2, 2019 . Wednesday, October 2 is also the LAST day to purchase tickets for the dance. Should you need a refund, please make sure you see Ms. Sirockman prior to this date.
Each student who wishes to purchase a ticket must have their Homecoming Event Contract completed in full and signed by Mr. Macurak before he will be able to purchase a ticket.
Students can only submit completed contracts to Ms. Sirockman; after Mr. Macurak has “signed off” that everything is complete. Along with a completed contract, students must also bring a check or money order made payable to: Central Catholic High School in the amount of $125. NO CASH PLEASE!
The actual tickets will be distributed in an assembly the week of Homecoming. Students who have accumulated a significant number of conduct points or have committed a serious disciplinary infraction may be denied the opportunity to purchase a ticket. Additionally, no student who currently owes tuition may purchase a ticket.
Download the ContractHomecoming Buffet Menu:
• Mac N' Cheese Station w/five topping
• Slider Bar (Pizza, Philly, Crispy Chicken)
• Salad Bar w/Grilled Chicken on the side w/Ranch & Italian Dressing
• Mozzarella sticks with marinara dip
• Assorted Cookies & Brownies
• Unlimited soft drinks, lemonade and flavored water(s)
*Gluten free macaroni and cheese and veggie burgers will be available by request only. Please alert Ms. Sirockman by October 1, 2019 if you or your date need one of these options.