Catholic Welcomes 212 Freshmen in the Class of 2021
Catholic Welcomes 212 Freshmen in the Class of 2021 These students come from throughout the region to become Men of Faith, Scholarship and Service.
Although our freshmen come from different backgrounds, for the next four years, they’ll walk together as one Brotherhood. Part of what makes Central Catholic so unique is our diverse student body. Students come from throughout the region to become Men of Faith, Scholarship and Service.
The Class of 2021, by the numbers:
We're welcoming 212 freshmen:
- 68 come from the city of Pittsburgh
- 144 come from area suburbs
They come from every part of the region.
- 32% live in the City of Pittsburgh
- 32% live in the Eastern Suburbs
- 20% live in the Northern Suburbs
- 17% live in the South/West Suburbs
They come from various zip codes and school districts.
- 64 unique zip codes
- 77 different middle schools
- 39 different school districts
They carry on tradition.
- 36 have older brothers who are currently Central Catholic students
- 57 are Legacy students