Important Updates On Our Online Instruction Schedule
Students and parents: Please read the updated schedule below carefully.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you have come to know, this rapidly evolving situation is changing not only by the day, but by the hour. We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our students while we are teaching through online instruction. For many of our students and faculty, this is a brand new experience, and we are all navigating these uncharted waters together.
In an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy, we switched what was supposed to be an in-person in-service day today to our first-ever online in-service day. We want to make sure that we are properly preparing our faculty to provide the best online experience for our students, and we believe that taking the proper amount of time now to fully learn and understand all of the technology available to us will help us deliver a top-notch online experience.
That being said, please pay close attention to this updated schedule below.
Tuesday, March 17 - Day 0
Students are asked to log in to Moodle promptly at 10 a.m. as a test. There will be no online instruction or assignments on this day. Students should only log on to Moodle to ensure that their Moodle account is working properly.
Wednesday, March 18 - Day 0
Students will receive an email from each of their instructors, and should respond to that email no later than 10 a.m. This is the only requirement for the day. There will be no online instruction or assignments on this day.
Thursday, March 19 - Day 1
Thursday will be the first official day of online instruction. Some teachers on some days will teach in real time using Zoom. In that case, the students will need to be on their iPads during that class period. Otherwise, students need to submit their daily assignments by the end of the school day at 2:40. Students will follow the six-day cycle just as they would for in-person instruction. Homeroom attendance will not be taken.
Although students may have weekly assignments, they will be expected to log on and check in with each class daily. Classwork will vary from class to class.
As a reminder, the bell schedule can be found here:
Friday, March 20 - Day 2
We have a list of students who have registered and are excused for their Raffle ticket holiday. Your son will be marked as an excused absence, but must submit Friday’s daily work by 2:40 on Tuesday.
Monday, March 23 - Principal’s Holiday
This is a Principal’s Holiday for everyone. There will be no online instruction.
Instruction will continue on Tuesday, March 24.
End of Third Quarter
The end of the third quarter will be moved back to a later date. When the situation becomes clear, a decision will be made.
Our Wednesday Schedule
While we are utilizing online instruction, the Wednesday school day will mirror Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Questions about the schedule
If you have questions about online instruction, or have technology needs or other concerns, please contact Mr. Kevin Sheridan, Assistant Principal for Faculty and Curriculum Development, at or 412.208.3400 x4153
A Note on Mental and Physical Health
Educating the whole person is an important part of our mission. If you or your student needs to speak with a counselor, please contact Mr. Direnzo at / 412.208.3400 x3434 or Mr. Eller at / 412.208.3400 x3433
Our school counselors and administrations will also be checking in with students on a regular basis.
It is important that students also practice social distancing. This is not a time for student get-togethers. Students are encouraged to exercise, take stretch breaks and walk or run outside, but should practice social distancing and maintain at least six-feet from others, and avoid using public playground equipment and facilities.
By nature, we are social creatures, and social distancing can begin to take a toll on us. The CDC offers resources to help reduce stress, and as noted above, Central Catholic has counselors available during the school day to assist students in this stressful time.
Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding as we pivot to best serve your students. By taking the proper time and measures to prepare our faculty and staff to shift to online instruction, we are ensuring that your student is receiving the highest quality education that he possibly can at this time. Please be sure to continue to read your emails and pay close attention to our website, for further updates.
Brother Tony Baginski, FSC