Dress Code
A Central Catholic student represents his school, his family, and himself at all times. We strive to instill in our students a sense of pride in their appearance and a sense of self-discipline.
- Any color dress shirt, designed to be worn with a tie, buttoned at the collar, and tucked into pants
- A necktie knotted at the collar
- Solid color dress slacks (without outside pockets, patch pockets or pocket flaps), with a belt worn at the waist
- Any color socks that cover the ankle
- Leather dress shoes, loafers, or deck shoes (solid color is preferred). Shoes must be distinctly non-athletic and must cover the heel completely. The Dean of Students/ Assistant Principal for Student Affairs will be the final arbiters of what constitutes “nonathletic”
- A sport coat or a blazer (shirt collar and tie must be visible)
- Official school sweater or vest, purchased in the school bookstore
- Team jerseys (worn over the shirt and tie), uniforms or other outerwear only on special occasions. Team captain(s) and moderators should see Assistant Principal for Student Affairs for WRITTEN permission.
Not Permitted:
- Outerwear that is not official school outerwear
- Apparel (including pins or buttons) with suggestive, vulgar, inflammatory, libelous, or inappropriate lettering, words, designs, or pictures, or references to alcoholic beverages, drugs or tobacco products
- Flannel shirts, outerwear, sweatshirts, jackets, work clothes, denim-wear, cargo pants or pants with patch pockets, flaps, or outside attachments
- Dickie-brand pants, work style pants, or pants with metal rivots ANY type of boot or any other shoe that rises above the ankle.
- Slippers or other shoes that are fur or flannel lined are also not permitted.
- Earrings or other similar adornments or jewelry, chains, necklaces, clamps, excessively large key holders used as wearing apparel, or studded belts
- Ripped, torn, sliced, patched, discolored, over-sized, or excessively baggy pants or shirt
- Visible tattoos, body piercings, plugs of any kind
- Baseball caps, hats, bandannas, sunglasses, or any other type of headgear, at any time in the building
- Jackets, hoodies, pullovers, vests, and other outerwear, EVEN THOSE which bear the Central name or logo or that of one of its athletic teams.
- Any excessive alteration of clothing like rolling of the sleeves and cuffing of the pants.
- Fingernail paint or painted fingernails and facial makeup
All hair on the head must be its natural color, clean, and not totally covering the ears or eyes, or falling below the shirt collar. A single black hair tie may be used to pull the hair back to remain in compliance. Mohawks, or hairstyles with designs, patterns, and lines are not permitted. Hair shall not exceed 3 ½ inches from the scalp. Sideburns may not extend below the ear or extend toward the cheek. Eyebrows may not have designs, patterns and or lines in them. This is not permitted.
Facial Hair
Students are to be clean-shaven. Neatly trimmed mustaches are permitted. Goatees, chin or lower lip hair are not permitted. A doctor’s note about a skin condition must state a minimum requirement for shaving.
Students are to comply with the dress code throughout the school day, including arrival and departure. Students who disregard the dress code may be sent home or suspended in school until the violation is corrected. They may also be assigned conduct points and detentions. 4 violations will be cause for suspension out of school until a meeting can be held with parents.
A physically incapacitated student may wear an alternative shoe if he submits a physician’s request written on the physician’s stationery. The request, stating the medical condition and the expected length of recuperation, must be submitted to the Dean of Students (Office D). Faculty are expected and will enforce the dress code. The Assistant Principal for Student Affairs and the Dean of Students are the final arbiters of the appropriateness of a student’s appearance.
Reciprocal Students: Students from other schools attending classes at Central Catholic must adhere to their school’s written dress code and comply with Central Catholic’s policy to be neat and clean. While attending or visiting other schools, Central Catholic students must adhere to the required Central Catholic dress code, regardless of that school’s dress code policies.
Have questions about the dress code? Contact Mr. Steve Bezila

For our full list of policies and procedures, please reference the Student/Parent Handbook