Hall of Fame Members
The Alumni Hall of Fame includes 88 distinguished alumni from a variety of different backgrounds. These men have been honored for their character, lives of service to others, and for being men of integrity.
Past Inductees
Fred Azinger 1950 | Daniel C. Marino 1979 |
Dr. John M. Babinecz 1968 | Joseph A. Massaro 1953 |
Bro. Raymond Bronowicz 1947 | Very Rev. Henry J. McAnulty 1932 |
Clifford E. Brown 1942 | Hon. William J. McCann 1943 |
Bro. Daniel Burke 1944 | Dr. Richard N. McGarvey 1941 |
Bro. Thomas Caldwell 1945 | John R. McGinley 1961 |
Lawrence N. Canjar 1941 | John W. McGonigle 1956 |
Hon. James F. Clarke 1936 | Michael P. McGough 1969 |
Edward G. Coll 1932 | Philip J. McKeating 1937 |
Bro. Colman Coogan 1948 | Bro. Jeremy McNamara 1942 |
John H. Corbett 1964 | Francis J. McSteen 1963 |
Regis J. Cordic 1944 | Theodore A. McWilliams 1948 |
William J. Coyne 1954 | Mark Mentzer 1969 |
Hon. Robert E. Dauer 1946 | Lewis Carl Merletti 1966 |
John H. Devlin 1933 | Gregor F. Meyer 1944 |
Dr. Anthony M. DiGioia 1975 | Norman C. Miller 1952 |
John F. Donahue 1942 | A. Wallace Monahan 1950 |
Thomas J. Donnelly 1943 | Dr. Bert W. O'Malley 1955 |
Donald N. Doyle 1950 | Hon. Michael J.O'Malley 1941 |
Richard B. Fisher 1941 | Rev. John J. O'Malley 1954 |
John B. Fisher 1974 | Timothy T. O'Toole 1973 |
William J. Fitzgerald 1938 | William F. Pleva 1946 |
Dr. John R. Friday 1936 | Rev. Patrick F. Rager 1977 |
Dr. Kenneth L. Garver 1940 | Hon. Joseph H. Ridge 1940 |
Eugene F. Kail 1963 | John P. Roche 1931 |
Rev. Ferris J. Guay 1932 | John T. Ryan III 1961 |
Richard S. Hamilton 1963 | Hon. Eugene F. Scanlon 1942 |
Howard W. Hanna III 1965 | Donald T. Schaefer 1952 |
Robert Hazo 1948 | Charles E Sheedy 1965 |
Samuel J. Hazo 1945 | James L. Snyder 1942 |
Richard M. Hughes 1961 | John A. Staley 1961 |
Stephen A. Joyce 1949 | Dr. Lawrence X. Sullivan 1932 |
Lt. Gen. Richard L. Kelly 1966 | Rev. Msgr. Walter J. Tappe 1931 |
Calhoun J. Killeen 1944 | Joseph C. Totten 1931 |
John Killian 1949 | John K. Twyman 1951 |
Ralph A. Klinefelter 1933 | Ferd T. Unger 1932 |
Gerald R. Kraus 1931 | Edward J. Vereb 1952 |
Rev. John F. Laboon 1939 | John Robert Wargo 1957 |
Albert C. Labriola 1957 | Hon. Stephen A. Zappala 1950 |
Dr. Robert E. Lee 1948 | Bro. Martin Zewe 1959 |
Hon. Donald Lee 1945 | Rudolph F. Zupancic 1950 |
Hon. Walter Little 1961 | Theodore “Ted” J. Rectenwald 1973 |

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