Parent/Coach Communication Plan
The purpose of the parent/coach communication plan is to establish a mutual respect between parents and coaches and provide guidelines for parent/guardian and parent/coach communications.
Expectation of Parent/Guardian
- Support your student athlete’s efforts toward success.
- Work to promote a positive environment that is conducive to the development of the student-athlete.
- Become familiar with, and review the rules and regulations with the student athlete.
- Communicate any concerns in a timely manner according to school protocol.
- Treat all coaching personnel with courtesy and respect, and insist your student athlete do the same. Research indicates a student involved in co-curricular activities has a greater chance for success during adulthood. Many of the character traits required to be successful participant are exactly those that will promote a successful life after high school. We hope the information provided in this pamphlet makes your son’s and your experience with the Central Catholic athletic program truly rewarding and enjoyable.
Parent/Coach Communication Plan
Parents and coaches have extremely important and difficult roles in helping to shape student- athletes into responsible and contributing members of their teams and their school communities. Both parents and coaches approach their roles with unique perspective and expectations that are, hopefully reflections of the Lasallian traditions of the Christian Brothers and Central Catholic High School. When parents and coaches understand each other’s positions and expectations, they are able to:
- Work more cohesively, and
- Support the young men’s journey through High School Athletics Key to this mutual understanding and respect is communication. At Central Catholic, parents have a right to know what expectations are placed on their son. This begins with clear and concise communication from their son’s coach. Reciprocal communication is expected from the parents as well.
General Communication parents should expect from coaches:
- The expectations placed upon their son (attendance, out-of-season conditioning, special equipment, out-of-season conditions, and other team requirements).
- Locations and times of all practices and sporting events.
- Disciplinary actions that may result in the denial of a student’s participation in an athletic event.
- General Communication coaches should expect from parents:
- Advance notice of any situation that may interfere with participation in practices and/or games.
- Appropriate concerns expressed directly to the coach concerning individual injury, academic, or discipline problems.
Other communication
As your son becomes involved in the athletic programs at Central Catholic High School, he will hopefully experience some of the most rewarding times of his life. It is important to understand that there may also be times when things do not go the way you or your son expected. At these times, discussion with the coach is encouraged.
Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches:
- The treatment of your son
- Improving your son’s athletic performance At times it may be difficult to accept our child’s limited playing opportunities. Please remember that coaches are professionals. They make decisions based on what they believe to be the best for ALL students involved. As noted above, certain things can and should be discussed with your son’s coach. Other things, noted below, should and WILL NOT be discussed.
Issues not to be discussed with coaches:
- Playing time
- Team strategy
- Coach’s philosophy
- Other student-athletes
Dealing with un-resolved situations:
When general communication and informal discussions fail to address a concern, the situation may require a conference between the coach and the parents(s). When such a conference is set up, the following procedures should be followed to help promote a resolution that will reflect the Lasallian principles of Central Catholic High School.
- First, please encourage your son to speak directly to the coach about the situation.
- Call the coach to set up an appointment for a conference.
- If the coach cannot be reached, call the Athletic Director (412.208.3494) to assist you in arranging a meeting.
- Please DO NOT attempt to confront a coach before or after a sporting event or practice. These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings of this nature rarely promote resolution.
- If the meeting with your son’s coach does not provide a satisfactory resolution, call and set up an appointment with the Athletic Director to discuss the situation. As a parent, please realize that your son’s participation in athletics at Central Catholic is a privilege that is based on his adherence to the general guidelines of the school and the specific rules of each individual sport.
- Diocese of Pittsburgh